50 Historical Speeches You Should Watch Online

  1. John F. Kennedy at American University: On June 10, 1963, President JFK gave the commencement address at American University, first celebrating the institution of American universities, and then discussing the "new face of war" and its great cost. Kennedy implores the graduates to pursue peace, even though it is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war, and references the end to the Cold War.
  2. Randy Pausch at Carnegie Mellon: Randy Pausch’s "Last Lecture" became an Internet sensation and inspiration for people around the world who felt moved by the professor’s battle with cancer and his insistence on the power and significance of achieving your childhood dreams. Here, a visibly ill Pausch, delivers the commencement address at Carnegie Mellon.
  3. James Carville at Tulane University: Louisiana native and colorful political strategist James Carville gave a rousing, sincere speech to the graduates of Tulane University of 2008, the first class to graduate since Hurricane Katrina interrupted their studies and nearly destroyed the city of New Orleans.
  4. Barack Obama at Notre Dame: When students and faculty at Notre Dame expressed disappointment and even outrage that President Barack Obama would speak at the school’s 2009 graduation ceremony, the national media covered the debate from start to finish. In the end, Obama did give the speech despite the controversy over his support of abortion, which the Catholic university disapproved of.
  5. Steve Jobs at Stanford: Computer science pioneer Steve Jobs gave an emotional but inspirational speech to the 2005 graduates of Stanford University, ending with the line "Stay hungry, stay foolish," a message that Jobs has always wished for himself and which he wished for the graduates.
Presidential Speeches
Presidents are natural and practiced leaders and give some of the most impressive speeches. Here is a selection of some of the most important speeches of the 20th century.
  1. Barack Obama Election Night Speech: Moments after being elected the first ever African American President of the United States, Obama addresses the nation live from Chicago.
  2. Ronald Reagan’s 40th Anniversary of D-Day Speech: Watch President Ronald Reagan give an illustrative 40th anniversary of D-Day speech on "a lonely, windswept point" on the beach at Normandy.
  3. Lyndon Johnson Remarks on Signing the Civil Rights Bill: President LBJ explains to the American public the significance of his signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  4. George W. Bush Post 9/11 Speech: After terrorists hijacked airplanes and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, shocked and grief-stricken Americans turned to their TV sets that evening to listen to President George W. Bush tell them what to do next.
  5. Ich Bin Ein Berliner: President John F. Kennedy visited the Berlin Wall to give this encouraging speech to the everyday citizens who suffered under Communism and cheered when Kennedy repeated "Let them come to Berlin."
  6. President Nixon Announcing Resignation: Scandalized President Richard Nixon addresses the nation in this speech, announcing his resignation after Watergate.
  7. "Tear Down This Wall": Listen to Ronald Reagan’s famous "Tear Down This Wall" speech in Berlin in front of the famous Berlin Wall.
  8. George W. Bush’s Bullhorn Speech: What is now known as Bush’s "Bullhorn Speech" started as a casual impromptu rally for the recovery workers at Ground Zero, just after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Bush stood on top of a hill of rubble and yelled to the crowd "I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you!"
  9. Jimmy Carter Crisis of Confidence Speech: Carter talks about the "crisis in confidence" that Americans had in government.
  10. JFK Inaugural Address: JFK’s inaugural address is one of the most famous swearing-in speeches in history.
  11. LBJ’s First Speech as President: Listen to LBJ’s first speech as President, just after JFK was shot.
  12. The Challenger Explosion: Reagan shares news of the Challenger Explosion from the Oval Office.
  13. John F. Kennedy’s Moon Speech: Kennedy addresses Congress and asks them to support the space project.
  14. President Bill Clinton Farewell Speech: Clinton recaps his presidency and defends his legacy in this speech.
  15. President Harry S Truman First Speech to Congress: This is Truman’s first speech to Congress, in which he mourns recently deceased FDR.
  16. LBJ Gulf of Tonkin Incident: President LBJ reports on the violent Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
Society and Culture
Here you will find speeches that inspired social change and encouraged audiences to become better citizens of the world.
  1. Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream": Watch one of the most iconic American speeches ever made here: Martin Luther King’s "I Have a Dream" speech.
  2. William Faulkner Nobel Prize speech: Look at a photograph of author William Faulkner accepting his Nobel Prize as you listen to his speech about the condition of the human spirit and the human heart.
  3. LBJ We Shall Overcome: This video uses LBJ’s famous We Shall Overcome speech as part of a video montage celebrating the civil rights movement.
  4. Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary: Malcolm X addresses friends and enemies and explains how he’ll fight for civil rights "by any means necessary."
  5. Death of Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy: Robert Kennedy announces the death of MLK and then eulogizes the civil rights leader in this 1968 speech.
  6. Lou Gehrig’s speech: Lou Gehrig gives his farewell to baseball speech on the 4th of July at Yankee Stadium.
  7. The Perils of Indifference: Listen to Elie Wiesel’s famous speech about the nature of indifference.
  8. Mario Savio: Listen to this exciting, impassioned speech from a very worked up Mario Savio, a member of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement.
  9. Give Them Hope Speech: Harvey Milk aims to give gay people around the country a feeling of hope that they belong in society and have rights and deserve respect.
  10. Reagan’s Evil Empire Speech: Ronald Reagan gives his famous Evil Empire speech to the National Association of Evangelicals.
  11. Nelson Mandela Released 1990: When Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990, he gave this speech to supporters.
  12. Jimmy Valvano’s ESPY Speech: Dying basketball coach Jimmy Valvano delivered this famous, inspiring speech at the first ever ESPYs in 1993. He died of cancer two months later.
  13. Bill Cosby Famous Pound Cake Speech: Comedian Bill Cosby gives a touching but humorous speech in honor of the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education.
  14. Kofi Annan’s Farewell Speech: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan bids farewell in this 2006 speech.
  15. Mahatma Gandhi Speech: Gandhi gave this speech at Kingsley Hall in London in 1931. In it, he discusses the nature of rule and religion.
War and Peace
Listen to speeches from Hitler, Churchill, Eisenhower and other military leaders about war and peace.
  1. FDR Pearl Harbor Address: Just after the United States is attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt addresses the country and Congress in his famous "date which will live in infamy" speech.
  2. General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s D-Day Speech: Listen to Eisenhower’s speech ordering troops to D-Day here.
  3. General Douglas MacArthur Farewell Speech to Congress: General MacArthur delivers this speech in 1951 "with deep humility and great pride."
  4. Total War Speech: This video has English subtitles so that you can understand Joseph Goebbels’ speech calling for total war in 1943.
  5. Sir Winston Churchill – Finest Hour: This photo montage accompanies audio of Winston Churchill’s "finest hour" speech, which he gave June 18, 1940, and in which he asked the British to help him fight so that they would not enter into "a new dark age."
  6. Adolf Hitler, Expand Speech: Watch Hitler’s speech about expansion and justification of war.
  7. Eisenower’s military industrial complex speech: Watch and listen to President Eisenhower warn against te "emergency improvisation of national defense."
  8. We Shall Fight on the Beaches, Winston Churchill: Listen to Churchill’s signature British mumble as he rallies his country to fight in World War II.
These miscellaneous political speeches are from figures like Jesse Jackson, Margaret Thatcher and Ted Kennedy.
  1. The Dream Shall Never Die: Senator Edward Kennedy speaks at the 1980 Democratic National Convention shares one of his favorite Tennyson quotes and tells Americans that "the dream shall never die" even though he will not run for president.
  2. Jesse Jackson David and Goliath speech: Then Presidential candidate Jesse Jackson delivers this famous speech at Tendley Baptist Church January 16, 1984.
  3. Tony Blair resignation speech: Powerful but ultimately unpopular Primte Minister Tony Blair gives his resignation speech on June 27, 2007, here.
  4. Senator Barack Obama’s DNC speech: Presidential candidate Barack Obama gives this major speech at the 2008 DNC in Denver, officially accepting the nomination for president.
  5. William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold Speech: Listen to audio of William Jennings Bryan’s 1923 speech in which he spoke about the gold standard and silver mining.
  6. Margaret Thatcher’s first speech as Prime Minister: Watch Thatcher’s controversial first speech as British PM in 1979.
  7. Mario Cuomo 1984 Convention Speech: This "tale of two cities" from Mario Cuomo at the DNC in 1984 attacks Reagan in a time of staunch conservatism.


Rajarajeshwara Temple Taliparamba

Lord Shiva worshipped in this sacred temple is known as Sri Rajarajeshwara – The Emperor of Emperors – the Lord Supreme. The name signifies the supreme transcendental power in the background of the mysterious drama of the boundless universe. The Jyothirlingam in the shrine is vibrant with spiritual power that bestows an enriching Divine Grace both in the material and spiritual level of the devotees. The celebrated ancient Sage Agasthya Maharishi is associated with the installation of the Jyothirlingam in the shrine.

Lord Shiva worshipped in this sacred temple is know as Sree Rajarajeswara, which means the Emperor of Emperors – the Lord Supreme. The name signifies the supreme transcendental power in the background of mysterious drama of the boundless universe. That power is invoked here as Lord Rajarajeshwara. Devotees address the lord with such royal appellations as Perumthrikovilappan, Perum-chelloorappan and Thampuraan Perumthrikkovilappan.

This very ancient shrine is located in a quiet and picturesque region of Taliparmba in Kannur district of North Kerala. On the National Highway 17, Taliparamba is 23 Kms noth-east of Kannur town, the headquaters of the district. The place is located about 83 kms south of Kasargod town and about 133 kms of Managalore, the southern city of Karnataka state. The nearest railway stations are in Kannur and Payyanur (23 kms towards the north).

The Jyothirlingam in the shrine in vibrant with spiritual power that exerts an enriching influence both on the material and spiritual levels of the earnest devotees. The celebrated ancient sage Agasthya Maharishi is associated with the installation of the Jyothirlingam in the shrine.

The legends of temple are usually symbolic in character and are intended to convey deep messages to the spiritual inquirer and instill faith in the common man. The legends of Sri Rajarajeshwara Temple reveal the antiquity and the special significance of the Spiritual Presence.

A major legend about this temple begins with the visit of the Puranic sage Parashurama, one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Seeing there an ancient shrine of vibrant spiritual power in a dilapidated condition, the sage was grief-stricken and wanted to know its history. Thereupon, sage Narada appeared there and related to him the story of the temple. According to it, sage Sanaka and others, the sons of the creator Lord Brahma, churned the disk of the Sun to lessen its fierce heat. They mied the dust, which was formed while churning, with the divine nectar of immortality, Amrita, and out of it gave shape to three spiritually to Lord Brahma presented them to Goddess Parvathi, the consort of Lord Shiva.

Goddess Parvathi presented these Shivalingams to three kings who were doing intense austerities to invoke the Goddess, one in the Thretha Yugam and the other two Dwapara Yugam. Maandhatha was the king to whom the Goddess presented the Shivalingam in the Thretha Yugam, and Muchukundam and Shathasoman were the devotees who received the other two lingams in Dwapara Yugam. Goddess Parvathi advised each of them to install the idols in such a place where no death of any creature had taken place or any dead body had fallen.

After a long search for such a place, which was very difficult to locate, Maandhatha, the first one to receive the lingam found out a small place for that description, only that much land which could accommodate a small plate. Thalika in Malayalam means a plate. It is said that the region came to been know as Taliparamba, which means the place enough to accommodate a Thalika after this legend. Maandhatha installed his Shivalingam at this place.
Eventually this Jyothirlingam disappeared in the earth, maintaining the place spiritually vibrant for ever. Thretha Yugam was over. Then, in Dwapara Yugam, King Muchukundan after receiving the second Jyothirlingam from Goddess Parvathi as instructed, was also in search for a spot where no death had taken place naturally he also came to the same spot where Maandhatha had installed the first Shivalingam. He installed his Shivalingam at the same spot. This Shivalingam was also eventually dissolved into the earth again reinforcing the spot spiritually. Then came king Shathasoman, the one who received the third Shivalingam. He was also naturally attracted to the same spot and installed his Shivalingam there. While installing, this Lingam also began sinking into the earth. King Shathasoman there upon prayed for Sage Agasthya’s help. The sage appeared and after lighting a ghee lamp prostrated before the Shivalingam twelve times and when he begun the thirteenth prostration, the Lingam got firmly fixed on the earth therefore the number of prostration the Sage Agasthya performed for his purpose came to be know as twelve and a half. Thus with the installation of the third Shivalingam has sacred spot became spiritually vibrant threefold.

Hearing this story from sage Narda, devotion welled up in the heart of sage Parashurama and he decided to renovate the temple for the welfare of mankind.

As desired by the sage, the celestial architect sri vishwakarma himself performed the renovation works. During the final stage of the renovation, sage Agasthya himself appeared on the scene and after making abhishekam (ablusion) on the idol, lighted a ghee lamp. This lamp shine continuously ever since, with the regular supply of ghee. Offering of ghee in gold, silver and copper pitchers with intense devotion is an important offering for the lord.

Temple legends, as said earlier, are highly symbolic representations of the subtle spiritual principles and highlight the nature and intensity of the spiritual presence at a particular place. They instill devotion and convey their deeper message to the spiritual seeker. The above-mentioned legend highlights the fact that at this unique centre of spiritual power discovered and maintained by the great sages of yore, one can receive profound Divine grace both for the material progress and spiritual un-foldment.

The Traditional way of visiting the temple

According to the traditional system of visiting this temple the devotee first worship Lord Krishna at the shrine of Vasudevapuram located at the southern bank of the vast temple tank known as Aashraamath-chira, where there is a beautiful idol of Krishna playing the flute. The sweet melody from Krishna’s flute symbolizes the supreme spiritual harmony that prevails in the background of the universe of diversities, which one can experience by spiritually elevating oneself. Worship of lord Krishna before entering the great temple of lord Shiva symbolizes the essential unity of lord Vishnu and lord Shiva as two aspects of the supreme reality. There are other special features also in this temple that highlight this unity. It is believed that there was an Aashram of sage Agasthya on the bank of this temple tank. The tank was reconstructed in the present stage, it is said about 460 years ago by a devotee, Chittoor Namboodiripad.

Then, proceeding towards Sree Rajarajeswara temple one worship at the shrine of Sree Bhoothanatha (Kumbhodhara), who is the chief lieutenant of lord Shiva. Kumbhodhara is also known as Aravathappan. The two deities mentioned above, Sri Krishna and Sri Bhoothanatha, are considered as the accompanying deities of lord Rajarajeswara.

Sree Rajarajeswara temple is located in the centre of very spacious compound of about six acres surrounded by a compound wall with two Gopurams, located on the eastern and western sides. The ancient compound wall itself is a wondrous architectural marvel built of huge cut stones just placed one above the other without any cementing mortar, board at the base and tapering towards the top.

The main gate is on the east before one enters the temple one turns eastwards and offers prayers to lord Vaidyanatha (kanhirangaatt-appan), an aspect of lord Shiva worshipped as the lord of physicians, enshrined in temple about 6 kms from Rajarajeswara temple.

Entering the Shrine

On entering the eastern gate the devotee makes a circumambulation of the whole central shrine before stepping inside the shrine. Towards the northern side there is a small shrine of a guardian deity called Yakshi. Usually a Yakshi is considered to be a female spirit with malevolent propensities, but the Yakshi installed here represents a prosperity-giving and benevolent spiritual power. The figure is a life size wooden sculpture of unique charm. The Yakshi is represented as one who is intently into a mirror.

After worshipping this guardian deity the devotee, proceeds towards the front of the central shrine and worships the Rishabha, the bull – mount of lord Shiva out side the central shrine facing the lord. Near Rishabha is the Balikkallu of huge proportions, made of granite with many figurines and intricate carvings. Because of its great antiquity it calls for replacing it with a new one, maintaining its exact proportions and carving.

While circumambulating the Naalambalam (the outer structure around Sree Kovil, the sanctum sanctorum), one walk towards the left side and from the Nirarithikonam (south-west corner) worships Goddess Annapoorneshwari of the famous shrine in Cherukunnu, a few kilometer away, and standing on the west one worships Goddess Bhadrakaali enshrined in another renowned shrine of divine mother in Maadaayikkavu. Originally, it is said, that goddess Bhadrakaali was worshipped in the western Gopuram of Sri Rajarajeswara temple and later the idol was taken and installed in the shrine at Maadaayikkavu.

After making the circumambulation outside the Nalambalam the devotee enters the inner space around the sanctum sanctorum to worship lord Rajarajeswara’s Jyothirlingam. As usual in the temples of lord Shiva, the circumambulation is performed only upto the theertha-channel and it is completed with a reverse circumambulation upto the channel.

As the custom, only men enter the Naalambalam during the day time, while women standing outside. Women can enter the Naalambalm all days after the Athazha pooja is over in the evening. It is assumed that after Athazha pooja the lord is in an aspect of a very pleased and gracious disposition accompanied by his consort goddess Parvathi and this is considered to be the most auspicious time for women to enter the Naalambalam as they get the occasion to worship the divine couple.

Inside the Nalambalam

The sanctum sanctorum with its majestic proportions is a fine example of the temple architectural style of Kerala. The two-tiered sanctum sanctorum is rectangular in shape with copper sheets laid on the roof. The roof tapers to culminate in a beautiful gold Kalasham.

The sanctum sanctorum has four doors, one on each side. The doors on the east and south only are opened. The eastern doors opens to the presence of lord Rajarajeshwara, represented by the majestic Jyothirlingam. An array of ghee lamps dangle on both sides of the Jyothirlingam. The Bhadradeepam, a ghee lamp lighted by sage Agasthya, the most auspicious lamp with a conspicuous flame is seen on the left side of the Jyothirlingam. On the floor there are rows of silver nilavilakku the ghee lamps, on both sides of the Jyothirlingam.

Most of the time the Jyothirlingam is decorated with the insignia of lord Shiva – the thrinethrams –the three eyes, the crescent moon and the Nagaphanam. In the background is a golden Prabha and above is a Vyaalimukham, the face of a mythical being. A Balibimbam or Uthsavamoorthi, which represents the Jyothirlingam, and taken out for worship during special ceremonies, is placed in front. Both these are jointly decorated with an embossed golden sheet, ornaments and with a Navarathna pendant of precious stones.

Only on two occasions every day one can have the direct sight of the Jyothirlingam. In the early morning, at 5.30, during Nirmalyam, when the decorations of the previous day are removed for the first abhishekam, the devotee can have the direct darshanam of the Jyothirlingam which is covered on the top with a golden cup called Golaka. The base of the Jyothirlingam is also covered with a gold sheet. This Nirmalya darshanam is known as Kani, which is very auspicious. One can also directly see the Jyothirlingam again at 9.30 AM when the decorations are removed again after the third pooja of the day for the Navakaabhishekam, also knows as kalashaabhishekam.

The door on the southern side of the sanctum sanctorum is also opened. At this seat is lord Shiva is worshipped as Sri Dakshinamoorthi, the first preceptor. There is no idol here, but only a mural painting of Sri Dakshinamoorthi.

The Splendour of Prosperity

On the west of the sanctum sanctorum is the seat of divine mother Pravathi, the consort of lord Shiva. The door here is permanently closed. There is a symbolic legend regarding the permanent closure of this door. This legend is related to the active presence of both Shiva and Vishnu aspects of reality in this shrine.

Like many a temple legend this aspect is also symbolized by a very personalized legend relating to lord Shiva and lord Vishnu through an interesting story. According to it, once Goddess Mahalakshmi, consort of lord Vishnu, came to the shrine to pay obeisance to lord Rajarajeshwara. On seeing the arrival of Mahalakshmi, the lord decided that there should be her prosperity-bestowing presence also in the shrine. Therefore, the lord immediately assumed the form of Mahavishnu and goddess Mahalakshmi entered the sanctum sanctorum presuming that it was her lord and seated beside him. And only when lord Shiva assumed his original form did Mahalakshmi realize the mistake. After paying her respects to the lord, she was about to make a hurried exit through the back door when lord Shiva ordered his attendants, the Bhoothaganas, to permanantely close the door on western side at the seat of goddess Parvathi so that the aspect of material prosperity which goddess Mahalakshmi represented should also be vibrant in the shrine for the benefit of the worshippers.

Later, when lord Vishnu arrived at the temple in search of his consort, lord Shiva’s attendants prayed to him to allow the presence of goddess Lakshmi also in the temple for the benefit of the devotees, which lord Vishnu gladly conceded to before taking his consort along with him.

The legend thus signifies in a way interesting to the common people the special message that the spiritual presence in the shrine benefits the devotees for their material and spiritual well being. Signifying this combination of the Shaiva and Vaishnava aspects in the shrine, twice a year, during Shivaratri and Vishnu, the Uthsavamoorthi of the nearby renowned Srikrishna temple of Trichambaram is ceremoniously brought to Sri Rajarajeshwara temple.

The place Taliparamba is also known as Lakshmipuram and it is believed that the name is related to this legend. In some hymns to lord Rajarajeshwara the lord is also addressed as the Aishwarya prabhu, the lord of prosperity and Lakshmi Puraadheeshwaran the lord of Lakshmipuram.

The Uniqueness

According to Hindu philosophy, Lord Vishnu symbolizes the aspect of maintenance of the universe and lord Shiva its dissolution. Both these aspects are represented in the Jyothirlingam in this shrine and therefore the lord is called Rajarajeshwara, the lord supreme.

Because of the combination of these aspects there are deviations in the mode of worship of lord Shiva here. Here the lord is worshipped in the most transcendental aspect of Shiva known as Sadaashiva. Unlike in other Shiva temple where the Bilwa leaf is an important item for worship, it is not used here for the poojas, instead the Tulsi leaf is used. The Rudrabhishekam, which is common in most of the Shiva temples is not performed here. Insead of Monday, Wednesday is the impotant day of worship here. Unlike in other Shiva temples pradosham is not observed with special significance here. There is no dhaara, the constant pouring of holy water, for the lingam here in other Shiva temple. Some of the other distinctive features of this shrine are there is no Dwajasthambha here and there is no annual festival or ritualistic annual bath. The deity is never taken outside of the precincts of the temple.

On the northern side of the sanctum sanctorum is the sea of sage Parashurama. The door here also remains always closed. Daily five poojas are performed in this temple as in all Mahaakshetras. Early morning at 5.30 the floral decorations of the previous day are removed and Abhishekam takes place with the sacred water ceremonously brought from a well-guarded sacred temple tank considered to be the Ganga theertham, specially maintained for this purpose. After the Abhishekam around 6 am the deity is adorned with flower garlands. This is locally known as the poochaarthal. The first pooja called natravat is around 7.30 am. The next pooja called pantheeradi pooja is around 9 am. After this, the decorations are removed and the Kalashaabhishekam with sanctified water is performed before the next pooja called Navaka pooja. The Navaka pooja is performed at the Mandapam, in front of the Srikovil. In most of the major temples this second Abhishekam and Navaka pooja are performed only on special auspicious days. In this temple these rituals are conducted every day. The next pooja, the Uchha pooja is performed at 10am and the Mahaa Naivedyam is offered.


Devotees offer Nai-amrithu and Nai-vilakku and pattrom all these poojas. Ponnumkudam and Vellikkudam, filled with ghee are offered from Natravat pooja onwards. Special prostrations known as Yaamanamaskaaram and Ashwamedha namaskaaram with appropriate manthras from Rigveda are very important offering for the lord. However, prostrations to the lord are not made at the namaskara mandapam. According to a legend, Sri Rama on his return from Lanka to Ayodhya prayed at this temple and offered prostrations to the lord at this namaskara mandapam and to commemorate this great event thereafter no one made prostrations in the mandapam. Devotee receive Thulasi and Vibudhi as the prasaadam. Thaali, the wedding pendant, is an important offering for goddess Pravathi. Turmeric powder is the prasaadam of the goddess.

With Uchha pooja, the morning poojas are over and the temple will be closed at 12 AM The temple opens again at 5 PM. The Deepaaraadhana is performed at 6.30 PM the last pooja, the Athazha pooja takes place at 8 PM.

There are four Thanthris belonging to four Illams such as poonthothath Illam, (which has two thantris) Naduvathillam, Iruvesi Illam and Edavalath Illam. The present Thatris are Brahmasri P.P.Vasudevan Namboodiri, Brahmasri P.P.Pandurangan Namboodiri, Brahmasri N.P.Narayanan Namboodiri, Brahmasri E.P.Harijayandan Namboodiri and Brahmasri E.P.Kuberan Namboodiripad.

Shivarathri is the important and auspicious day celebrated with festivities. Several special poojas are performed on this occasion and the Balibimbam is carried on a caparisoned elephant and taken around the temple premises with the accompaniment of instrumental music and the recital of hymns. The Uthsava Bimbam of lord Krishna of the Trichambaram Sri Krishna temple will also be brought here and the Sankaranaarayana pooja, the worship of a combined from of lord Shiva and lord Vishnu will be performed.

Vishnu, the auspicious day, which is considered to be the beginning of the original Malayalam year, will be, celebrated from the previous evening, and at the night the presence of lord Krisnha of Thrichabaram temple will also be there for a few hours. Seeing the Vishnukani is very auspicious, which will have a protective influence for the whole year.

Puthari, a festival of the harvesting season, Karkadaka Sankramam (July) and Nira are other important days are specially celebrated in the temple.

The Rajas of Chirakkal in Kannur and the Zamorins of Kozhikode have been pious devotee of Sri Rajarajeshwara and some touching incidents are told relating to the intensity of their devotion. The Maharajas of Travancore used to make an offering of an elephant to the temple before ascending the throne.

A revealing incident is told about the celebrated logician of the 15 century, Uddhanda, Shastrikal, who considering himself as the worshipper of the attributeless reality, Nirguna Brahmam only, never used to fold his hands in salutations to any deity, a personalized representation of reality. When he happened to come to this temple and stood before the sanctum sanctorum, unknowingly as if by magic his arms folded and the palms closed together in obeisance to the lord, which in his own words "like a lotus flower closes itself on seeing the moon."

The temple has a tradition of bestowing honours by giving a golden wrist-band and title by the chief priest to outstanding people in their respective fields of work. Many persons in various fields have been awarded such honours.

Today, to this great shrine of lord Rajarajeshwara arrive many people the world over to worship the lord and to seek his blessings in their endeavours and professions and for the spiritual fulfillment of life.


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Attukal Temple - Attukal Pongala

Mythological Background
The story goes that the Goddess Bhagavathy revealed herself to a fervent devotee of a notable family viz. Mulluveettil family. It is said that one evening a young girl appeared before the head of the family while he was performing his oblations in the Killi river and requested him to help her cross the river. Impressed by her charismatic demeanor, the- old man bent before her with awe and reverence and not only helped her cross the river but took her to his house nearby. Strangely enough, while the household members were amidst preparations for intending a warm welcome to the young girl, she vanished. That very night the Goddess Bhagavathy appeared as an icon before the old man in his dream and demanded that he should establish an abode for her in the nearby sacred ground of shrubs and herbs (kavu), at a consecrated spot marked by three lines. The next morning the old man went to the spot revealed to him in the dream and to his great surprise he did find three marks indented on the ground. He lost no time in erecting a temple on this consecrated spot to house the Goddess. Many years later, the building was renovated by the local devotees. They also installed a beautiful and majestic icon of the Deity with four arms, bearing weapons of destruction in each, like spear, sword, skull, shield etc. The consecration ceremony of this Exalted Being was performed by no less a person than the high priest of the Badarinath Temple. 

The Attukal Bhagavathy Temple, one of the ancient temples of South India, is popularly described as Sabarimala of the Women, as women form the major portion of devotees. The Goddess in the temple of Attukal is worshipped as the Supreme Mother, creator of all living beings and the mighty preserver as well as destroyer of them all. The pilgrims from all over the country, who visit Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple and worship the Lord, do not consider their visits complete without the visit to the shrine of the supreme Mother Attukalamma. Vishnumaya took the incarnation of Bhagavathy to annihilate the evil and protect the good in the world in the present Era namely Kaliyuga. 
According to mythology, Attukal Bhagavathy is supposed to be the divinised form of Kannaki, the famous heroine of Chilapathikaram, written by Elenkovadikal, the Tamil Poet. The story goes that after the destruction of ancient city of Madurai, Kannaki left the city and reached Kerala via Kanyakumari and on the way to Kodungalloor took a sojourn at Attukal. Kannaki is supposed to be the incarnation of Parvathy, the consort of Paramasiva. The all powerful and benign Attukal Bhagavathy reigns eternally supreme at Attukal and nurses devotees as a mother does her children. Thousands of devotees from far and near flock to the Temple to bend before the Goddess with awe and reverence to prostrate and redress their affliction and agony.
The Pongala Mahotsavam is the most important festival of Attukal Bhagavathy Temple. The offering of Pongala is a special temple practice prevalent in the southern part of Kerala and some parts of Tamilnadu. It is a ten-day programme commencing on the Karthika star of the Malayalam month of Makaram-Kumbham (February-March) and closing with the sacrificial offering known as Kuruthitharpanam at night. On the ninth day of the festival the world famous Attukal Pongala Mahotsavam takes place. The entire area of about 5 kilometre radius around temple with premises of houses of people of all caste, creed and religion, open fields, roads, commercial institutions, premises of Government offices etc. emerges as a consecrated ground for observing Pongala rituals for lakhs of women devotees assembling from different parts of Kerala and outside. The ceremony is exclusively confined to women folk and the enormous crowd, which gathers in Thiruvananthapuram on this auspicious day is reminiscent of the Kumbhamela Festival of North India. 

Incarnation of Goddess
India has ever been the holy land of gods and goddesses. Since ages past, men and women kings and emperors, saints and sages here were worshipping the Lord not only as the omnipotent and absolute 'one' but also as the 'one' whose manifestations are varied and manifold and who possesses different names, forms and divine attributes. Thus Almighty the Eternal God was worshipped in different forms such as Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, and their consorts; representing specific divine attributes of the Lord. Ancient puranas have described that Siva and Sakthi were simultaneously worshipped from the period of Aryans and Dravidians. Vishnumaya took the incarnation of Bhagavathy to annihilate evil and protect the good in this world. She grants every wish of Her devotees and resides in their hearts in multifarious forms.

Story of Kannaki
Kannagi (Kannaki) a legendary Tamil woman is the central character of the South Indian epic  Silapathikaram. Legend has it that Kannagi took revenge on the King of Madurai, for a mistaken death penalty imposed on her husband Kovalan, by cursing the city with disaster. 
Kovalan,the son of a wealthy merchant in Kaveripattinam, married Kannagi, a young woman of legendary beauty. They lived together happily in the city of Kaveripattinam, until Kovalan met the dancer Madhavi and fell in love with her. In his infatuation he forgot Kannagi and gradually spent all his wealth on the dancer. At last, penniless, Kovalan realised his mistake, and returned back to Kannagi. Their only asset was a precious pair of anklets (Chilambu - hence the name of the epic), filled with gems, which she gave to him willingly. With these as their capital they went to the city of Madurai, where Kovalan hoped to recoup his fortunes by trade.
The city of Madurai was ruled by the Pandya King Nedunj Cheliyan - 1. Kovalan's objective was to sell the anklets in this kingdom so that he and his wife would be able to start their lives over. Unfortunately, around the time he set out to sell the anklets, one anklet (out of a pair) was stolen from the queen, by a greedy court member. This anklet looked very similar to Kannagi's. The only difference was that Kannagi's were filled with rubies and the queen's filled with pearls, but this was not a visible fact. When Kovalan went to the market, he was accused of having stolen the anklet. He was immediately beheaded by the King's guards, without trial. When Kannagi was informed of this, she became furious, and set out to prove her husband's innocence to the King.

Kannagi came to the King's court, broke open the anklet seized from Kovalan and showed that it contained rubies, as opposed to the queen's anklets which contained pearls. Realizing their fault, the King and the Queen died of shame. Unsatisfied, Kannagi tore out a breast and flung it on the city, uttering a curse that the entire city be burnt. Due to her utmost chastity, her curse became a reality.

The city was set ablaze resulting in huge human and economic losses. However, after the request from the goddess of the city, she withdrew her curse and later, attained salvation. The story was narrated by the poet Ilango Adigal. A fascinating, but ironic, fact about this epic is that it portrays Madhavi, Kovalan's amorous lover, as an equally chaste woman. Manimekalai, another ancient Tamil epic, is written in praise of her.

After setting fire to Madurai City, Kannagi on her way to Kodungalloor in Kerala, gave "Darsan" to the natives at Attukal in Thiruvananthapuram. They constructed a Temple at Attukal. It is also believed that Devi finally reached Kodungalloor and settled at Kodungalloor Devi Temple south of Guruvayoor. The events related to Kannagi have high influence in the traditions and culture of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Perceptions of Kannagi

Kannagi (Kannaki Amman) is eulogized as the epitome of chastity and is still worshipped as its goddess. She is praised for her extreme devotion to her husband in spite of his adulterous behaviour. She is worshiped as Goddess Pathini in Sri Lanka by the Sinhalese Buddhists, Kannaki Amman by the Sri lanka Tamils Hindus' and as Kodungallur Bhagavathy (Kodungallur Devi / Kodungallur Amma) and Attukal Bhagavathy (Attukal Devi / Attukal Amma) in South Indian state Kerala.

It must be noted that Kannagi is also viewed as a brave woman who could demand justice directly from the King and even dared to call him "Unenlightened King". The point here is that while she was behaving in a non-interfering manner with her domestic problems, she was no meek woman that would brook injustice in the rule of the law.

Aesthetics of Architecture
Anyone visiting the Attukal temple is first struck by the beauty and charm of the temple architecture. The temple structure is a harmonious conglomeration of both Kerala and Tamil styles of architecture. The beautifully carved figures of Mahishasuramarddini, Goddess Kali, Rajarajeswari, Sree Parvathy with Lord Paramasiva and various other depictions of the Goddess in and around the temple are undoubtedly the work of a gifted artist. Equally well presented around the corridors surrounding the temple, are the depiction of various other Gods and the epic stories of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu viz., the "Desavathara". On either side of the elegant front gopura - are the icons based on the story of Goddess Kannaki. On the southern Gopura, the puranic story of "Dakshayaga" is depicted in sculptures. The decorated gate at the entrance of the temple is by itself an excellent example of architectural beauty.

There are two idols of the Goddess in the sanctum sanctorum. The original idol is preserved in all its pristine beauty covered in ornamental gold embedded with installed stones.
The second idol of the Goddess is installed besides the original one. Within the temple corridors are also installed carvings and sculptures of Lord Ganesan, the serpent God and Lord Shiva. At the centre of the Sanctum within the Sreekovil, at a consecrated spot is installed the idol of the Goddess Attukal Bhagavathy emanating light and lustre to all.

Divine Gold Lockets
Divine Gold Lockets with the prathishta image of the Devi on one side and the imprint of Sudarsana Chakra on the other, are now issued to the devotees from the temple counter. This moderately priced pendant, which can be worn by men, women and children of all ages, at all times, is a talisman of safety and prosperity. Arrangement has also been made to send the lockets by post.

Attukal Pongala
Attukal Pongala (Attukal Ponkala) is the most reputed festival of this temple, which attracts devotees from all parts of India. Tens of hundreds of women devotees throng together on the day of Pongala with their offerings to the Goddess and to seek blessings. The festival commences on Karthika day of Malayalam month Makaram-Kumbham (February-March).

Pongala festival is a ten-day long festival and on the 9th day of the festival is the famous Pongala. On that day, tens of hundreds of women throng to the temple to offer pongala in earthen pots. Pongala is a rice porridge, which boils over. The rush of women is so intense that the Pongala ground spreads outside the temple premises and into the public roads, and the courtyards of houses, government offices, bus and train station, etc...
Women offer pongala in a radius of about 5 Km, essentially turning the whole of Thiruvananthapuram City into the holy grounds for the women to offer Pongala. All the transport buses plying from the city are reserved for women on Pongala day. No number of words can do justice to frenzy of the day's festivities, which wholly belongs to women devotees.

Other activities during the ten-day festival include various ceremonial rituals like Kappukettu, during which the story of Goddess Kannagi (Kannaki) is recited. It is a musical recitation and goes on for the first nine days of the festival. The musical recitation of Kannagi's story ends with the part of the Goddess annihilating the Pandya King. The story signifies victory of good over evil, light over darkness and justice over injustice. Immediately after the end of the recitation, it begins the rituals for Attukal Pongala, which begins with making fire in the temple hearth known as Pandara Aduppu. The fire will then be passed to the women ready to offer pongala and the same fire spreads to all the tens of thousands of women, who are offering pongala.


Thrissur Pooram

Thrissur Pooram

Thrissur Pooram - 2010

Thrissur is best known for its mammoth Pooram Festival, which is the most colourful and spectacular temple festival of Kerala. Thrissur Pooram, attracts large masses of devotees and spectators form all parts of the State and even outside.The legends and myths behind each festival of Kerala are many, varied and equally interesting. Since the word pooram literally means a group or a meeting, it was believed that every year the dynastic gods and goddesses of neighbouring province met together for a day of celebration. This usually happened on the pooram asterism of one of the spring months.

The gods and their entourage arrived for the meeting on colourfully decorated tuskers. Even today, the converging of these divine processions at the festival venue is an awe inspiring sight. The pooram draws to a close with mind-blowing fireworks displays in the evening and in the wee hours of the next morning.

Celebrated Malayalam month of Medom (April-May) in every year.it consists of processions of richly caparisoned elephants from various neigbouring temples to the Vadakunnatha temple, Thrissur. The most impressions are those from the Krishna temple at Thiruvambadi and the Devi temple at Paramekkavu. Pooram is an assemblage of suburban deities before the presiding deity at the Siva temple in down town Thrissur. The Pooram celebration is held at the Thekkinkadu grounds.

Thrissurpooram was introduced by Sakthan Thampuran (1775- 1790), , the Maharaja of erstwhile Kochi state. The Pooram festival is also well-known for the magnificent display of fireworks. It is celebrated by two rival groups representing the two divisions of Thrissur Paramekkavu and Thiruvambadi vying with each other in making the display of fireworks grander and more colourful. Each group is allowed to display a maximum of fifteen elephants and all efforts are made by each party to secure the best elephants in South India and the most artistic parasols, several kind which are raised on the elephants during the display. The commissioning of elephants and parasols is done in the utmost secrecy by each party to excel the other. Commencing in the early hours of the morning, the celebrations last till the break of dawn, the next day.

Of the rival groups participating in the Pooram, the most important ones are those from Pramekkavu and Thiruvambadi. At the close of the Pooram both these groups enter the temple through the western gate and come out through the southern gate to array themselves, face to face, one from the round and other form the Municipal Office road. This spectacle is highly enchanting. Although this grand festival is known as Thrissur Pooram, it is in fact the conclusion of the eight -day Utsavam of nine temples.The procession of the Thiruvambadi Pooram to the grounds of Vadakkunnatha Temple and back is not only important, but also quite enlivening. The marvelous as well as magical effect of the Panchavadyam, a combination of five percussion and wind instruments, is to be felt and enjoyed.

Thousands of people from all walks of life gather at the Thekinkadu maidanam at Thrissur to celebrate the pooram or festival. The festival highlights include among other things a spectacular pageant of 30 caparisoned elephants and Kudamattom, a competition in the swift rhythmic changing of brightly coloured and sequined parasols. Dazzling fireworks, and a variety of musical performances including the Chendamelam and the indispensable Panchavadyam are also conducted. The Thrissur pooram, arguably the most famous festival of Kerala, is a heady mixture of pomp and pageantry.

More Details : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrissur_Pooram


Varkala Radhakrishnan passes away

Senior CPI-M leader and former Lok Sabha member Varkala Radhakrishnan died here today following complications resulting from an accident last week.84-year-old Radhakrishnan, a former Kerala assembly Speaker, was undergoing treatment at the Medical College Hospital for the last few days after he was hit by a vehicle while on a morning stroll. He suffered fracture in the ribs which affected the functioning of his lungs, doctors said. His condition deteriorated last night and he died at 9 am, they said.

Radhakrishnan was elected to the Lok Sabha thrice from Chirayinkil constituency and made a mark as an able Parliamentarian. Radhakrishnan, who was elected to the Kerala Assembly four times from Varkala segment, served as Speaker of the House between 1987 and 1991 when the LDF government led by K Nayanar was in power.

A lawyer by profession, Radhakrishnan was an expert on Constitution and Parliamentary rules and conventions. As Assembly Speaker, he took great care to safeguard the rights and privileges of the House and members whenever they required to be defended from Judicial and Executive interventions. In the Lok Sabha also, his services were utilised on panel of Chairpersons of the House. For the CPI-M, he was a vocal member and staunchly defended the stance taken by the party during its face-off with former Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee.

He also woked as the private secretery of EMS when EMS was the chief minister in 1967. He is survived by his three children RK Hari, RK Sreelatha and R K Jayasree and his wife Prof Saudamini had died earlier in 2007.


Homage to guitarist on May 1

Paying homage to noted guitarist Prakash Krishna, who died recently in a road accident, and as part of the efforts to mobilise a relief fund for his family, Kairali TV, Swaralaya and Soorya Fine Arts Society will jointly organise an ‘Eshal Sandhya’ in the city on May 1.

Education and Cultural Affairs Minister M.A. Baby told a news conference here on Wednesday that the musical evening, titled ‘Snehathinte Patturumal’, will be held at AKG Hall at 6 p.m. on that day. Noted singers K.S. Chitra, M.G. Sreekumar, Unni Menon, K.G. Markose, Sudeep Kumar, Thajudeen Vadakara, Ramesh Narayanan and others will participate in the programme.

Cine actor Suresh Gopi also will participate and sing songs. The first instalment of the relief fund will be handed over to Prakash Krishna’s family at the function.

A committee, comprising Ministers M.A. Baby, M. Vijayakumar and C. Divakaran, MPs Shashi Tharoor, A. Sampath and T.N. Seema, Mayor Jayan Babu, V.S. Sivakumar, M.S. Kumar, G. Rajmohan and Soorya Krishnamoorthy will work for the success of the programme.
V. Sivankutty MLA is the chairman of the committee.

Soorya Krishnamoorthy and G. Rajmohan said all the revenue collected through the programme will be given to Prakash Krishna’s family.

The organisers have opened an account in the name of the Prakash Krishna Family Relief Fund with the State Bank of Travancore branch on Kerala University office campus at Thiruvananthapuram - Branch no. 70292 with the account no 67109015281. IFSE/NEFT/RTGS Code: SBTR0000292.


Winners of Kerala Assembly elections 2006 with margins

Winners of Kerala Assembly elections 2006 with margins


Prominent leader's phone tapped

The phones of some prominent political leaders including Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar and Congress leader Digvijay Singh have been tapped, a prominent English news weekly has claimed.

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and CPM General Secretary Prakash Karat have also been tapped by National Technical Research Organisation, an intelligence agency created in the aftermath of the Kargil war to cover all aspects of technical intelligence gathering, "Outlook" magazine said in its latest issue.

While the phones of Singh and Kumar were tapped in 2007 and that of Karat in 2008 at the height of his opposition to the Indo-US nuclear deal leading to the no-confidence motion against the government, the telephone of Pawar was tapped and taped last fortnight in the wake of the scandal in the IPL.

"Discussions between the minister and IPL Commissioner Lalit Modi were tapped and taped last fortnight in the wake of the scandal in the cricket league. The recorded conversations allegedly threw up inside details of the deals that were stuck in the bidding process for the various teams," the magazine said.

The magazine's Editor Vinod Mehta said while he appreciated concerns of national security he wondered why telephone tapping was being resorted to against leaders for "political opportunism".

He said tapping could now now be done by modern gadgets within a radius of two km and there was no no need for any authorisation for the purpose. It could be misused against common public, he added.

Political parties criticised the government for the alleged resort to snooping on leaders.

BJP deputy leader in Rajya Sabha S S Ahluwalia said his party would raise the issue in Parliament on Monday. He contended this was in violation of Art 21 of the Constitution which assures protection of life and liberty to every citizen.

His party colleague and spokesperson Nirmala Seetharaman said she was not surprised or shocked by the Congress party-led government's "return" to emergency days.

CPI leader D Raja said India was a democracy and not a military-state where personal freedoms are barred. government should explain why it was doing this, he said adding he would raise the issue in Rajya Sabha.

Congress downplayed the issue of alleged tapping of phones of several politicians, including those in power, and said it is for the government to explain.

The party at the same time maintained that illegal phone tapping was unjustified.

"Illegal phone tapping is unjustified but in this case, it is for the government to explain whether phone tapping was done or not or whether it was legal or not," party spokesperson Shakeel Ahmed said.

The Congress leader's remark comes in wake of reports in a weekly magazine alleging that government agencies have been tapping phones of important politicians and ministers since 2006.

Reacting to it, main opposition BJP has said it will raise the issue in Parliament.

"If the government is tapping the phones of terrorists, or tax evaders or secessionists, then it is understandable as national interest and national security are involved. But tapping phones of politicians and ministers is condemnable," BJP Deputy Leader in Rajya Sabha S S Ahluwalia said.

Ahluwalia insisted that this was violation of Article 21 of the Constitution which assures protection of life and personal liberty of every citizen.


The University Grants Commission Act 1956

The University Grants Commission Act 1956

The U G C Act 1956


Swami Nityananda arrested in Himachal ‎

After being on the run for over a month, self styled godman Swami Nityananda, who faces charges of rape, criminal intimidation and cheating, was arrested on Wednesday from a Himachal Pradesh village.
The Karnataka-based Nityananda has been on the run since March 23 when the Karnataka High Court rejected his plea for anticipatory bail and quashing of criminal cases against him.
He was nabbed from a village in Solan district, about 50 km from Shimla.
"Swami Nityananda was arrested by a joint team of the Himachal Pradesh and Bangalore police from a village near Arki in Solan district. He was staying in a house for the past few days," Additional Director General of Police I D Bhandari told IANS.
"The accused would be brought to Shimla later in the evening," Bhandari added.
Video footage telecast in early March showed Nityananda in bed with two women. He denied any wrongdoing and has not been seen in public since then.
After the Karnataka High Court rejected his anticipatory bail plea, Nityananda had quit as head of his ashram, Dhyanapeetam, located about 35 km from Bangalore.
In a related development, the Karnataka Crime Investigation Department (CID) has sought information from all those affected by Nityananda's actions.


Train Timings From Ernakulam Junction

Download Train Timings From Ernakulam Junction Pdf


Shashi Tharoor has resigned as Indian Foreign Minister

Shashi Tharoor Has Resigned

Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh late on Sunday night, the second time in a day, amidst speculation that he may resign.
Tharoor drove into the Race Course residence of the Prime Minister moments after Dr Singh held a meeting of the Congress Core group, including Sonia Gandhi.
The meeting discussed continuance of the minister in the wake of controversy over allotment of sweat equity of the value of Rs 70 crore to his friend Sunanda Pushkar by the IPL Kochi franchise.
First Sonia met Dr Singh one-on-one before the core group discussions. Tharoor, whose removal has been demanded by the Opposition on grounds of corruption, had met Dr Singh at noon to give his side of the story.
Other members of the Congress core group included senior party leaders Pranab Mukherjee, A K Antony, P Chidambaram and political secretary to Congress president Ahmad Patel.
This is the first meeting between Sonia and PM after the controversy erupted over the Kochi IPL ownership issue involving Tharoor.
Even as the parleys began, Tharoor's friend Sunanda Pushkar, who has a sweat equity valued at Rs 70 crore in the IPL Kochi franchise, resigned from Rendezvous Sports World. The company is one of the stakeholders in IPL Kochi.
On a day of fast paced developments, Tharoor met the Prime Minister for about 45 minutes during which is he is understood to have explained his position to Singh in the wake of allegations that he helped his friend Sunanda to acquire a sweat equity in the Kochi IPL franchise.
There was no official word on what transpired at the meeting either from the Prime Minister's Office or from Tharoor's side.
There were conflicting reports one of which said Tharoor was unwilling to step down on the ground that he has not done anything wrong while another said he was willing to quit if the party and the government found him to be an embarrassment.
The minister had met Congress president Sonia Gandhi two days back. The party continues to distance itself from the issue amid a clamour from the opposition ranks for his removal.
In Dubai, 48-year-old Sunanda made a last ditch attempt to save Tharoor by voluntarily offering to surrender her free equity she got from the consortium which bought the IPL Kochi franchise for Rs 1,533 crore.
"Given the deeply unpleasant publicity surrounding my involvement, however, I can no longer imagine being able to find the enthusiasm required to associate myself with any IPL activity in the foreseeable future," she said in a statement to Rendezvous Sports, one of the stakeholders in IPL Kochi.
Her lawyer Ashish Mehta said she had taken the decision on Saturday.
Both the BJP and the Left parties made it clear that Sunanda abandoning her stake will not let Tharoor off the hook as far as they are concerned.
Stepping up the pressure for Tharoor's resignation, BJP said,"the stain of corruption is not washed by the return of bribe money.
"It is a case of stinking corruption," BJP spokesman Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters, adding Sunanda giving back her equity was immaterial.
"It's an admission of guilt" and proves that Sunanda is Tharoor's "front" and does his bidding, he said.
Senior BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi told reporters in Kolkata, "the Centre should investigate the entire IPL issue but before that Tharoor should resign. If he does not resign, he should be sacked."
CPI leader D Raja also said Sunanda surrendering her equity is an admission of guilt and cannot save Tharoor.
It has become untenable for him to continue as a minister, he said.
"The Prime Minister should not take much time to decide on this and the Congress should not drag this issue any further...Tharoor has to step down," he said.
-With input from PTI



Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik Marriage Today : Sania Mirza Wedding Photos

Sania Mirza Wedding Photos : Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik Marriage Today

Today is another striking turn, india and pakistan’s much-awaited wedding of Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik and indian tennis star Sania Mirza.
sania mirza and shoaib malik wedding was held at a five-star hotel Taj Krishna around 1:00 p.m. as per Muslim religious traditions.
The nikah(marriage) was done in the presence of a very selected gathering comprising only the family members of the sania mirza and shoaib malik
There was a very high drama at Sania mirza’s residence as the celebrity left her posh residence at Jubilee Hills accompanied by her parents, Imran Mirza and Naseema Mirza, and sister Anam Mirza.
A close relative of the Mirzas described the ceremony, which lasted for ten minutes as a ‘very simple affair’.

Family members of Sania mirza and close relatives of shoaib Malik, including his sisters and brothers-in-law attended the wedding function.
Families settled to go ahead with the nikah ahead of the earlier declared wedding date of April 15.
Sources said the families steered clear of all possible legal hurdles before going ahead with the ceremony by seeking necessary counsel.
however, Shoaib malik’s passport is still with the police. His passport was collected by the police after they registered cases against him, following a complaint by Ayesha Siddiqui, a Hydreabadi woman, who claimed that the cricketer Shoaib malik had married her. The controversy over Ayesha Siddiqui and Shoaib malik’s marriage ended after the Pakistani cricketer Shoaib malik ‘divorced’ her after community elders interfered.
sania mirza wedding photos
Photo: Special Arrangement :- Indian Tennis star Sania Mirza and Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik are during their wedding ceremony at Hotel Taj Krishna in Hyderabad on Monday.


video of plane crash that killed Polish president Lech Kaczynski

Related Link : Poland President Lech Kaczynski's Biography


Poland President Lech Kaczynski's Biography

Biography of Poland President Lech Kaczynski



Lech Kaczyński was born on June 18th, 1949 in Warsaw. He is the son of Jadwiga Kaczyńska (née Jasiewicz) and Rajmund Kaczyński, and has a twin brother, Jarosław Kaczyński, chairman of the Law and Justice party. His mother – a graduate of Polish who taught in high schools in Warsaw for several years and worked at the Institute of Literary Research – was a nurse in the Grey Ranks during World War II. His father – an engineer who worked for a design company and a lecturer at Warsaw University of Technology – was a soldier of the Polish Home Army (AK) and a participant in the Warsaw Uprising in the “Baszta” regiment (he was decorated with the Cross of Valor and the Silver Cross of Virtuti Militari).


A pupil of two high schools in Warsaw: the Joachim Lelewel High School and the 39th Polish Air Force High School in the Bielany district. In 1967 he started his studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. After defending his master’s thesis in 1971, he moved to Sopot to conduct research for the Labour Law Department at the University of Gdańsk under the supervision of doc. dr hab. Roman Korolec, then after his death – under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Czesław Jackowiak. In 1980 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in labour law entitled: Zakres swobody stron w zakresie kształtowania treści stosunku pracy (The extent of freedom of the parties in shaping the content of an employment relationship), and in 1990 - his postdoctoral dissertation entitled: Renta Socjalna (Social Pension).

In the years 1996-1997 he was a profesor nadzwyczajny [a post at a university offered to persons holding a postdoctoral degree] at the University of Gdańsk, and from 1999 on he has been a professor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

Democratic opposition

From 1976, in response to an appeal of the Workers’ Defence Committee, Lech Kaczyński took up the action of collecting money for oppressed workers; the money was handed over with the help of his mother Jadwiga to Jan Józef Lipski. In 1977 Lech Kaczyński started to work with the Intervention Bureau of the Workers’ Defence Committee. A year later, he got involved in activities of the Free Trade Unions. He provided training sessions and lectures for workers in labour law and history. He wrote articles for Robotnik Wybrzeża (Worker of the Coast) and distributed among workers such papers as Robotnik (The Worker) and Biuletyn Informacyjny KSS KOR (Information Bulletin of the Committee for Social Self-defence – Workers’ Defence Committee).

In August 1980 he was appointed as an adviser to the Gdańsk Inter-Enterprise Strike Committee in Gdańsk Shipyard. He is the author of several provisions contained in the Gdańsk Agreement as well as of a part of the statutes of the Solidarność trade union concerning strikes, trade sections and collective agreements. He was the head of the Intervention Bureau and manager of the Ongoing Analysis Bureau at the Inter-Enterprise Strike Committee. On September 17th, 1980 he supported the idea of Jan Olszewski, Jarosław Kaczyński and Karol Modzelewski, which was that all the newly established trade unions should unite into one national union called Solidarność (Solidarity).

In 1981 he was a delegate to the 1st National Congress of the Solidarność Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union (NSZZ “Solidarność”) and chairman of the 11th Congressional Committee Team for relations with the Polish United Workers’ Party. From July 1981 – a member of the regional management of NSZZ “Solidarność” in Gdańsk.

He was interned under martial law for his involvement in the Solidarity movement. He was kept in an internment camp in Strzebielinek from December 1981 to October 1982. After his release, he returned to trade union activities and was a member of the underground authorities of NSZZ “Solidarność”. From 1982, together with Jacek Merkel and Aram Rybicki, he was a member of Lech Wałęsa's “team” in Gdańsk. From 1983 he took part in meetings of the Temporary Coordination Commission (TCC) and was its adviser, together with his brother Jarosław. From 1985 he was a member of the regional Council for Aid to Political Prisoners in Gdańsk. From January 1986 he was a TCC member and took part in the work of the secret Regional Coordination Commission of NSZZ "Solidarność". From July 1986 he performed the function of TCC secretary. From December 1987, when TCC and the “S” Temporary Council combined into one body, Lech Kaczyński became a member of the Secretariat of the National Executive Committee of NSZZ "Solidarność", next to Jarosław Kaczyński, Andrzej Celiński and Henryk Wujec.

In September 1988 he participated in talks between the opposition and representatives of the government in Magdalenka near Warsaw. He joined the so-called “six” appointed by the National Executive Committee, i.e. the management of “Solidarność” for talks at the Round Table. From December 1988 he was a member of the Citizens’ Committee led by Lech Wałęsa. From February to April 1989 he took part in the round table talks, working in a team dealing with the issue of pluralism of trade unions. From April to July 1989, he was a member of the Coordinating Commission for negotiations between the government and “Solidarność”. In April 1989 he became a member of the Presidium of the National Executive Committee of NSZZ "Solidarność" and performed duties as its deputy chairman. In May 1990 he was appointed the 1st deputy chairman of NSZZ "Solidarność" (as a matter of fact, he managed the union during Lech Wałęsa’s presidential campaign and after Wałęsa was elected President of the Republic of Poland). In February 1991 he ran for the position of chairman of "Solidarność". Defeated by Marian Krzaklewski, he took 2nd place in the election.

Political involvement

In the parliamentary election in June 1989 he was chosen as senator for the Gdańsk region. In August 1989 he supported Jarosław Kaczyński in his work on forming a coalition of NSZZ “Solidarność” with the United People’s Party and the Democratic Party.

From March 12th to October 31st, 1991 he was Minister of State in charge of Security in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland (this post no longer exists). He supervised the work of the National Security Bureau. He resigned from the job in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland after a conflict with Lech Wałęsa and the head of his office, Mieczysław Wachowski.

In the parliamentary election in 1991 he won the seat of deputy to the Sejm for a 1st term from the list of the Centre Agreement party from the Nowy Sącz constituency. He was actively involved in the activities of four committees, where he dealt with issues connected with legislation and social policy. From November 1991 he was chairman of the Administration and Internal Affairs Committee.

From the beginning of his political activities in free Poland, he called for vetting and decommunization in public life.

On February 14th, 1992 he was appointed president of the Supreme Chamber of Control. He performed this function until 1995. As the SCC president he considerably strengthened social trust in this institution (an increase in trust from 30 to 60%) and transformed the chamber into an effective state auditing body. He was a member of the Administration Council of the International Labour Organization at UNO as well as a member of the Presidium of EUROSAI (the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions).

In the years 1995-97 he was deputy chairman of the program board of the Institute of Public Affairs managed by Lena Kolarska-Bobińska.

In the years 1999-2000 – a member of the Codification Committee operating at the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.

On June 12th, 2000 he was appointed by Prime Minister, Jerzy Buzek, as Minister of Justice. He soon became one of the most popular members of the government, the second-most popular Polish politician after the then President, Aleksander Kwaśniewski. His actions aimed at stopping the liberal criminal justice policies exercised in Poland for many years brought about an increase in social trust. He was effective in preventing crime and corruption as well as in the fight against the mafia.

In 2001 he took the lead of the Law and Justice National Committee, a new right-wing party he created together with Jarosław Kaczyński. He was elected deputy to the Sejm for a 4th term from the Gdańsk constituency. He performed the function of chairman of the parliamentary Constitutional Responsibility Committee.

On November 18th, 2002 he won a direct election for Mayor of the City of Warsaw with a considerable majority. He started his term of office in the capital city under slogans calling for the elimination of corruption and restoration of law and order. He took some effective actions which have improved security in the city.

On August 1st, 2004, at the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising, he opened the Warsaw Rising Museum.

He resigned as Mayor of the Capital City the day before he took office as President of the Republic of Poland.

President of the Republic of Poland

On October 23rd, 2005, polling 54.04% of votes, Lech Kaczyński defeated his rival Donald Tusk in the second round and won the presidential election.

He took office on December 23rd, 2005 by swearing an oath in front of the National Assembly.


Lech Kaczyński's wife, Maria, is an economist. Their daughter Marta is married to a lawyer and both are legal trainees. Mr and Mrs Kaczyński have two granddaughters: six-year-old Ewa and two-year-old Martyna.

The presidential couple have a great liking for animals.
The family owns two dogs – a mongrel called Lula and a Scottish terrier called Tytus as well as a cat, Rudolf, adopted from an animal shelter.


Polish President Killed In Plane Crash

A plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife from Warsaw has crashed on approach to Smolensk airport in western Russia, a Polish government official at the airport told Reuters on Saturday.

There were no survivors in the crash, said the regional governor of Smolensk where it happened.

Russian news agencies reported 87 people died in the crash, citing the Russian Emergencies Ministry. They said the plane was a Tupolev Tu-154.

The Polish central bank governor Slawomir Skrzypek was also on board the plane, the bank's press office told Reuters.

The crash occurred about 1.5 km from Smolensk airport in foggy conditions. "It clipped the tops of the trees, crashed down and broke into pieces," the governor of the Smolensk region, Sergei Antufiev, told Russia-24 television news network by telephone.

Poland President Lech Kaczynski's Biography

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