Independence Day of India

15th August the red-letter day in the Indian calendar is celebrated as the Independence Day of India. The date commemorates the day when India achieved freedom from the British rule in the year 1947. It has been a long journey for India 1947. After more than two hundred years of British rule, India finally won backs its freedom on 15th August, 1947. In history this date has a special significance as it gave birth to a new nation and a new era. Independence Day was also the end of nearly a century of struggle for freedom, battles, betrayals and sacrifices. It gave us the freedom to choose between right and wrong also created a situation where we were responsible for ourselves. Independence Day is an occasion to rejoice in our freedom and to pay collective homage to all those people who sacrificed their lives to the cause.

The day is marked with flag hosting and cultural programs in the state capital and the Prime Minister's speech at the Red Fort in Delhi is the major attraction of the day's celebration. The day is celebrated as a national holiday. Schools and people hoist the national flag through out the country and put them up on the rooftops and the buildings. It is a day of celebration across India and people of all age are in a holiday mood. All the government offices are closed on this day but they are lit up with tri color lights and flag hoisting ceremonies are performed in almost all the schools and colleges to mark the occasion. Roads are decorated with tricolor flags and lights to give a patriotic feel.

India Since Independence
India then and India now if we compare the two pictures it will be clear that the country has progressed in terms of growth and development in each and every sector. The country has undergone a major political, cultural and economic change since independence. If we go in details we will see that today's focus is mainly on creating India a strong, unified nation, and a dynamic economy. But all of which have been put into jeopardy in recent years by increased cross border terrorism inter-caste conflicts, and the worst communal massacres since Independence. For a nation like India, politically subjugated, for centuries by alien conquest, and socially unsettled by invasions, the idea of becoming a super power is no ordinary thought. Understandably, even after winning freedom, India never aspired seriously to become a super power, politically or economically.

After India achieved freedom it thought of becoming a global leader based on Indian values of universal tolerance, peace and brotherhood. But these high values had no reverence in a world which respected only power so India was swiftly marginalized. With the passage of time slowly and steadily India fought back its drawbacks and faults made in past and tried to recover the losses incurred. Since independence India has transformed a lot. It has improved in each and every sector be it economy, agriculture, education and technology. The Indian economy has made great strides since 1947. Notably in the past few years the cities in India have undergone tremendous infrastructure up gradation. Many predicted that India because of its diversities in culture, religion, casts, language, manners and identities will not be a united democratic country but it proved everyone wrong. Instead of having numerous internal and external problems it has survived as a nation with a single identity.

History of Indian Independence
Today living in free India we have actually forgotten the cost our freedom fighters have paid to achieve this independence. We hardly remember our struggle for freedom but history tells us that it was not achieved in one day. Series of events took place before we realized what freedom is all about. According to history it was the impact of English education in India, which led the foundation and growth of nationalism, which eventually resulted in freedom of thought and expression. Liberalism also came side by side. In the third quarter of the nineteenth century there was a strong reaction against the sweeping current of Western culture and influence. The barrier was mainly due to the growing knowledge of ancient India's rich cultural heritage and glory. It was India's strong past on which Indian nationalism was built. The spirit of Indian nationalism was intensified by the growing discontent and disaffection with British rule due to the racial arrogance of the rulers. The result of those discontents and dissatisfaction among Indians gave rise to the first major mass movement for India's freedom the Revolt of 1857 or the so-called Sepoy Mutiny. The cause behind this mutiny was the discontent and anger in the army. The British rule exploited the economic and administrative part of the country and led to discomfort and anger among the Indian population.

The series of major events that resulted in India's independence are the partition of Bengal in1905, the Swadeshi Movement that was an economic boycott of foreign goods in support of domestic product. World Wars I and II, which weakened the power of British rulers. Mahatma's successful civil disobedience movement all over the country against the Salt Laws. His Salt March at Dandi, Gujarat, in December 1930 spread to various parts of the country and last but not least the "Quit India" movement in 1942 and its nationwide impact. These are some of the vital events, which shook the base of British rule In India. India's independence was accompanied by the largest demographic movement in recorded history, with over seventeen million people crossing the border between what was then designated Muslim-majority Pakistan and Hindu-majority India. After three centuries of colonial rule, India declared independence from Britain on 15 August 1947. This declaration was the final culmination of a long struggle for Indian nationalism, a movement that ardently demanded Swaraj, or self-rule, from British colonial governance.

Unity In Diversity
India being the largest democracy in the world with a civilization more than five thousand years old boasts of multiple cultural origins. The cultural origins of the Indian subcontinent can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilizations, the remains of which are cherished even today. Since the late 16th century India was under the influence of the British Empire until 15th August 1947 the day when India gained independence. India is a land of diverse cultures, religions and communities. There is great diversity in our traditions, manners, habits, tastes and customs. Each and every region of the country portrays different customs and traditions. But though we speak different languages yet we are all Indians. 'Unity in Diversity' has been the distinctive feature of our culture. To live peacefully has been our motto and this motto has helped us to achieve independence. As history tells us that there has been active participation from people of different caste and religion. In our struggle for freedom people from different communities participated keeping one thing in mind that they all are Indians first. But unfortunately this peace and understanding among different communities has been endangered lately. India at present is facing many problems. The biggest of these is the problem of communalism. In their personal fight they are destroying their life only. In fact, it is the biggest threat to humanity and to the unity and integrity of the country.

People from different background and culture participated in India's struggle for freedom. The national leaders, particularly Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Azad and Bose had coined the slogan unity in diversity There are numerous others who were also involved. Be it Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Jain and Sikhs everybody had a single identity of being an Indian. It should be understood that all of us have multiple identities religious, linguistic, cultural, regional and caste identities. No one can claim single identity. One who demands single identity i.e. national identity does not recognize the reality but during India's struggle for freedom no one thought in that manner they just thought of India's independence. Modern India presents a picture of unity in diversity where people of different faiths and beliefs live together in peace and harmony. Still today also India remains one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world.

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