About India - India Information

India Information
India is the seventh largest country in the world. The country's official name, India is derived from the Old Persian version of Sindhu, the historic local appellation for the river Indus. The Constitution of India and general usage also recognises Bharat, which is derived from the Sanskrit name of an ancient Hindu king, whose story is to be found in the Mahabharata, as an official name of equal status. A third name, Hindustan, or land of the Hindus in Persian, was used from Mughal times onwards, though its contemporary use is unevenly applied due to domestic disputes over how representative it is as a national signifier.

The Republic of India is a country in South Asia which comprises most of the Indian subcontinent. India has a coastline which stretches for over seven thousand kilometres and shares its borders with Pakistan on the northwest, the People's Republic of China, Nepal, and Bhutan on the north, and Bangladesh and Myanmar on the east. On the Indian Ocean, it is also adjacent to the island nations of the Maldives on the southwest, Sri Lanka on the south, and Indonesia on the southeast. India is the second most populous country in the world, with a population of over one billion, and is the seventh largest country by geographical area. The distance from India's southern tip to its northernmost point is 3214 kms. Its distance from east to west is 2933 kms. It has 7,516 kms of coastline on three bodies of water: the Arabian sea off its western coast, the Indian Ocean to the south and the Bay of Bengal on its eastern side. India is a vast expanse of cultural, traditional and religious diversity. The Indian Subcontinent is separated from the rest of Asia by the Great Himalayan range. Indian subcontinent occupies an area of 3,268,000 sq. km which is roughly a third of the land mass of continental United States. Its geographical features are as diverse, ranging from perpetually snowcapped peaks to torrid deserts, form tropical rainforests to huge fertile plains & from rock escarpments to gentle rolling downs. Occupying most of the Indian subcontinent, India's entire north and northeast states are made up of the Himalayan Range. The rest of northern, central and eastern India consists of the fertile Indo-Gangetic plain.

Because of India's size, its climate depends not only on the time of year, but also the location. In general, temperatures tend to be cooler in the north, especially between September and March. The south is coolest between November to January. In June, winds and warm surface currents begin to move northwards and westwards, heading out of the Indian Ocean and into the Arabian Gulf. This creates a phenomenon known as the south-west monsoon, and it brings heavy rains to the west coast. Between October and December, a similar climatic pattern called the north-east monsoon appears in the Bay of Bengal, bringing rains to the east coast. In addition to the two monsoons, there are two other seasons, spring and autumn.

India is mainly an agricultural country, though it also has a large iron and steel industry and produces every type of manufactured goods. In the last few years India has gotten more and more involved in information technology and every year over 100,000 software professionals leave India to work in other countries, mainly the United States. India produces the world's highest number of films annually. The most recognisable face is that of Bollywood, based in Mumbai, which produces mainly commercial Hindi films. Education is highly regarded by members of every socio-economic strata. India is also known for it's beautiful jewelry and fashion

India is also home to a large and diverse population that has added to its vibrant character since ages. Its population is one billion (one thousand million), making it the second most populous country after China. It is more than three times the population of the United States though its area is only about one-third. It is the largest democracy in the world. India, it is often said, is not a country but a continent. From North to South & East to West the people are different, the culture is different, the moods are different.

A pluralist, multilingual and multicultural society, Indians are largely tolerant and peaceful. Religious practices of various faiths are an integral part of everyday life in society. In 2001, India had 35 cities / urban areas with a population of more than one million people. In total, some 108 million Indians, or 10.5 per cent of the national population, live in the country's 35 largest cities. Mumbai (Bombay) with a population of more than 16 million is now the world's fourth-largest urban area followed by Kolkata (Calcutta) in fifth place.

The United Nations now estimates that by 2050 India will have overtaken China as the most populous country in the world. Today, Indians make up 16.7 per cent of the world's population with an annual growth rate of close to two per cent while the world population is growing at an annual rate of 1.4 per cent. In 2001, the sex ratio for the whole of India stood at 933 females to 1,000 males. Based on their physical type and language, we can easily divide Indian people into four broad classes. First, a majority of high class Hindus, who live in North India and whose language is derived from Sanskrit. Secondly, those who live in that part of India that is south of the Vindhyas and whose languages - Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam - are entirely different from Sanskrit. These are known by the generic name of "Dravidians". Thirdly, primitive tribes living in hills and jungles of India, who as mentioned above constitute eight percent of the total population in India. The Kols, Bhils and Mundas belong to this class. Fourthly, there are a people with strong Mongolian features inhabiting within India the slopes of the Himalayas and mountains of Assam.

The Gorkhas, Bhutiyas and Khasis are striking examples of this. It is impossible to speak of any one Indian culture, although there are deep cultural continuities that tie its people together. English is the major language of trade and politics, but there are fourteen official languages in all. There are twenty-four languages that are spoken by a million people or more, and countless other dialects. India has seven major religions and many minor ones, six main ethnic groups, and countless holidays.

States of India
India is subdivided into 28 states, 6 union territories and a National Capital Territory.

Union Territories
Andaman and Nicobar Islands , Chandigarh , Dadra and Nagar Haveli , Daman and Diu , Lakshadweep , Pondicherry , National Capital Territory - Delhi.

States of India
Jammu & Kashmir , Himachal Pradesh , Punjab , Haryana , Rajasthan , Uttar Pradesh , Karnataka , Tamil Nadu , Kerala , Andhra Pradesh , Gujarat , Maharashtra , Goa , Bihar , Orissa , West Bengal , Sikkim , Assam , Meghalaya , Arunachal Pradesh , Nagaland , Manipur , Mizoram , Tripura , Madhya Pradesh , Uttaranchal , Jharkhand , Chhattisgarh

North India
Located in the upper part of India in the foothills of the Himalayas, the northern region of India is enriched with different cultures, religions, marvelous monuments, immense wildlife parks and sanctuaries, holy rivers, majestic Himalayas, and diversified climate conditions. The whole of north India borders countries like Pakistan, China, Nepal and Bhutan from northwest to northeast. Geographically north India has great diversity. The towering majesty of the Himalayas, the breathtaking mountainous beauty of Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir, the agriculturally rich plains of Punjab, Haryana and the Ganga basin of Uttar Pradesh that has nurtured many ancient civilisations form an incredibly rich visual extravaganza. This rich cultural tapestry is woven with brilliant strands of many hues-dance, music, food, costumes, languages, customs, festivals -a variety staggering in its appeal. The origin of sacred river Ganga, Yamuna and sources of many other important rivers are in northern India.

States of North India
Jammu & Kashmir , Himachal Pradesh , Punjab , Haryana , Rajasthan , Delhi , Uttar Pradesh , Uttaranchal

South India
The southern part of India touches the Indian Ocean and is rich in wild life, flora & fauna and temples. South India is a geographic and linguistic-cultural region of India. Geographically, South India is a vast triangular peninsula, bounded on the west by the Arabian Sea, and on the east by the Bay of Bengal. The Vindhya and Satpura ranges and the Narmada River are the traditional boundary between northern and southern India. South of the Satpuras, at the center of the peninsula, is the Deccan plateau, defined by the Western Ghats mountain range, which runs along the western edge of the peninsula, and the Eastern Ghats along the eastern edge.

The great rivers of south India, the Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri (Cauvery), rise in the Western Ghats and flow across the Deccan and through gaps in the Eastern Ghats to empty into the Bay of Bengal. As a linguistic-cultural and political region, South India consists of the five south Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu, and the union territories of Lakshadweep and Pondicherry & Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Natives of these states are referred to as South Indians. South India is also called Dakshina Nad (Dakshina = South + Nad = land), Dravida Nad (Dravida = Dravidian + Nad = land), or simply Dravida. The dance forms of South India are Bharathanatyam, Kuchipudi and Mohiniaattam which literally translates as 'the dance of the enchantress'. The music of the South Indian people is called as Carnatic music.

The dominant features of south India are the tropical climate less harsh than the northern States, lush green tropical vegetation in the coastal areas and the architecture, culture, languages and lifestyle which had remained essentially Dravidian at the core in spite of repeated exposures to alien influences. This is a land of temples, a land of the devout, the profusion of jasmine and 'kanakambaram' flowers and the soft beat of distant drums as yet another festival starts. Main languages includes Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Tulu, among many others. The chief dressing of South Indian women is the Sari and of Men is Lungi, which is also an unstitched drape like the sari. Rice is the staple diet, with fish being an integral component of coastal South Indian meals. Coconut is an important ingredient in many of the dishes of the south Indian people.

The people are largely agrarian, dependent on monsoons, as are most people in India. Some of the main crops cultivated in South India include paddy, sorghum, millet, pulses, cotton, chilli, and ragi. South India was and still is the "promised land" as far as spice cultivation is concerned. Areca, coffee, pepper, tapioca, and cardamom are widely cultivated on the Nilgiri Hills and Coorg. Education is highly valued in the south Indian community, and is seen as a gateway to a better livelihood.

States of South India
Karnataka , Tamil Nadu , Kerala , Andhra Pradesh.

West India
The west coast extends from the Gujarat peninsula down to Goa, and it is lined with some of India's best beaches. The land along the coast is typically lush, with rainforests reaching southward from Mumbai all the way to Goa. A long mountain chain, the Western Ghats, separates the verdant coast from the Vindya mountains and the dry Deccan plateau further inland. The four States of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and Madhya Pradesh in the west are so different in their landscape, culture and milieu that it may be difficult to believe they are adjacent.

States of West India
Gujarat , Maharashtra , Goa , Daman & Diu

Central India
Madhya Pradesh, surrounded by seven States, known as the heart of India, geographically shares the mountain ranges and plateaus of the western States. Its verdant forests are rich in flora and fauna and shelter ancient tribes, in many ways a uniquely harmonious world where life continues to be unhurried and natural. In the central Indian states of Orissa and Madhya Pradesh tribal village life has resulted in a variety of artistically executed handicrafts.

States of Central India
Madhya Pradesh

East India
Home of the sacred Ganges river and the majority of Himalayan foothills, East India begins with the states of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, which comprise the westernmost part of the region. East India also contains an area known as the eastern triangle, which is entirely distinct. This is the last gulp of land that extends beyond Bangladesh, culminating in the Naga Hills along the Burmese border. The temples, stupas, wild life parks and the snow covered summits of the Himalayas... eastern India has it all. Steeped in thousands of years of history, much of east India still remains untouched by time. It is in the east that early industrialization of India took place, due to the incredibly rich hinterland, access to river and ocean commercial transport and British investment in technology. Many of India's largest corporate houses are still based in Calcutta. Most of India's steel industry is located in Bihar and West Bengal region due to its proximity to coal/ iron ore belt here. In strange contrast are the States in the north east, only lightly touched by time and history. It is here in the dense forests the rhinos thunder, orchids beckon and birds and butterflies paint the air in brilliant shades. The tribal life goes on as always, serenely unconcerned about modern upheavals. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands present yet another vista -emerald dollops in the sapphire ocean still primeval in their pristine beauty.

States of East India
Bihar , Orissa , West Bengal , Sikkim , Assam , Meghalaya , Arunachal Pradesh , Nagaland , Manipur Mizoram , Tripura , Jharkhand , Chhattisgarh.

India at a glance :
Official Name Bharat (Hindi), Republic of India (English)
Capital New Delhi
Population 1, 027, 015, 247 (2001 Census)
Area 3.3 million square kilometers
Geographical Location Lies between latitudes 8 ° 4' and 37 ° 6 ' north and longitudes 68 ° 7 ' and 97° 25' east
Coastline Length 7600 km
Languages India has two National languages (Central administrative). They are English (associate official) and Hindi (in the Devanagiri script). The Indian Constitution also officially recognizes 22 regional languages.
Major Religions Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism
Literacy 65.38%
President Smt. Pratibha Patil
Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh
National Anthem Jan gana mana written by Rabindranath Tagore
National Song Vande Mataram


December 1 World Aids Day


Download ayodhya verdict judgement (PDF)

Hon'ble Sibghat Ullah Khan ,J.

Hon'ble Sudhir Agarwal, J.

Hon'ble Dharam Veer Sharma, J.

Source - : http://rjbm.nic.in/


Ayodhya Verdict Judgement

The Allahabad court has given the judgement as below.The total has divided in three parts 1/3 for Hindus, 1/3 for Muslims, 1/3 for Nirmohi Akhada. The Place where is Ram Idol is given to the Hindus & The Unoccupied place given to the Muslims.

Judgement has been available on website -

http://rjbm.nic.in &



Allahabad High Court website crashes (Lead)

The Allahabad High Court website crashed Thursday after tens of thousands tried to access the portal ahead of the Ayodhya land row verdict.

The website had earlier reported that the judgement will be delivered at 4 p.m.. But for the last half hour, the site has been inaccessible.

On twitter, a user lamented: “In wake of Ayodhya verdict, Allahabad High Court website has badly crashed… And i have slim hopes (for) quick restoration either.. Hey Ram!”

The Ayodha verdict, to be delivered by the Lucknow bench of the high court, was among the top two topics on Twitter, the other being Hollywood actor Tony Curtis who died Thursday.


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Bom Sabado Creating problems in Orkut

A new bug named “Bomb Amungu” or “Bom Sabado“ is creating problems with the Orkut accounts.

currently news around the net say that Orkut has been flooded with this bug.

The words Bom Sabado means Good Saturday.

The people who are reading it in their profile , their cookies are being stolen and in this way scraps are being sent from their accounts as well, to their friends and they don’t even know it.

What this bug is doing is it is changing their status automatically and updating them.

If you have got this bug in your account here is the list of solutions you can try-

1. Immediately change your password and security question (including secondary email and mobile number if they also have got changed).

2. Find out whether some communities has been joined automatically. if yes, remove them immediately.

3. If your account has been completely hacked, see here:

4. Always open Orkut from www.orkut.com and not from proxy websites.

5. Do not ever run any javascript program when your Orkut account is still open.

6. Never use any flooder in your account.

7.Never ever share your password with anyone and change it regularly.

8.Never ever click suspicious links while logged into Orkut account.

9.Never ever install any suspicious script and always disable them before logging in to Orkut.

10.Do your mobile verification, so that you can get back your account, if hacker hasn’t change your mobile number there.

11.Install latest Updated Antivirus program and Anti Key logger and keep your system free from Key loggers and backdoor Trojans.

12.Use Virtual Keyboard to enter your password for more security.


Commonwealth Games 2010 Competition Schedule

Commonwealth Games 2010 Competition Schedule

Event Venue Event Dates
Opening Ceremony JN Stadium 03 October 2010
Closing Ceremony JN Stadium 14 October 2010
Aquatics Diving Dr SPM Swimming Complex 10-13 October 2010
Swimming Dr SPM Swimming Complex 4-9 October 2010
Synchronised Dr SPM Swimming Complex 6-7 October 2010
Archery Yamuna Sports Complex/India Gate 4-10 October 2010
Athletics Track & Field JN Stadium 6-12 October 2010
Marathon JN Stadium/Marathon Course 14 October 2010
Walk India Gate 09 October 2010
Badminton Siri Fort Sports Complex 4-14 October 2010
Boxing Talkatora Indoor Stadium 5-11, 13 October 2010
Cycling Track IG Sports Complex 5-8 October 2010
Road Mass Start India Gate 10 October 2010
Road Time Trials Noida Highway Express Rd 13 October 2010
Gymnastics Artistic IG Sports Complex 4-8 October 2010
Rhythmic IG Sports Complex 12-14 October 2010
Hockey Maj. Dhyan Chand National Stadium 4-14 October 2010
Lawn Bowls JN Sports Complex 4-13 October 2010
Netball Thyagaraj Sports Complex 4-12, 14 October 2010
Rugby 7s Delhi University 11-12 October 2010
Shooting Clay Target Dr Karni Singh Shooting Range 6-13 October 2010
Full Bore CRPF Campus, Kadarpur 9-13 October 2010
Pistol and Small Bore Dr Karni Singh Shooting Range 5-13 October 2010
Squash Siri Fort Sports Complex 4-13 October 2010
Table Tennis Yamuna Sports Complex 4-14 October 2010
Tennis RK Khanna Tennis Stadium 4-10 October 2010
Weightlifting JN Sports Complex 4-12 October 2010
Wrestling IG Sports Complex 5-10 October 2010


Logo of Commonwealth Games 2010


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Related Topic : 12 Top Free Torrents Movies Websites

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  • GnuCash : Designed for Linux users, GnuCash is freely-licensed financial accounting software. It tracks bank accounts, income, expenses and much more.
  • Buddi : Compatible with multiple operating systems, Buddi is personal budgeting software for the financially challenged. It's a cinch to use and is available in multiple languages.
  • Cashbox :Made exclusively for Mac users, Cashbox is basic personal finance software that nearly anyone can use. Features include multiple account tracking and transfers, graphical reporting and file importing.

File Compression

  • 7-zip :This software compresses files in new 7z format with LZMA compression. It supports multi formats, including 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR, RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS.
  • Winrar: This software now consider the most downloads instead of WinZip. WinRAR provides the full RAR and ZIP file support, can decompress CAB, GZIP, ACE and other archive formats.
  • Winzip :Using WinZip, you can quickly and easily compress and decompress files, folders, and entire folder trees to save storage space and reduce e-mail-transmission time, as well as encrypt and decrypt your sensitive documents.
  • AutoUnpack:This is designed to unpack your compressed file in a single quick step. You merely point to a folder containing your ZIP or RAR files and choose an output directory. Press one button to start a process that ends with your archive perfectly unpacked, or let the program automatically unpack that directory every set number of minutes.
  • ExtractNow : A simple program allows you to extract more than one archived file at a time, with one click of a button, making extracting files quicker and easier.

Photo Organizer

Related Post :

  • Google Picasa: Picasa is a software download from Google that helps you organize, edit, and share your photos. It's free, and easy to use.
  • Xnview : Free software to view and convert graphics and photo files, Picture viewer, Image viewer, Picture converter, Image converter.
  • FxFoto: FxFoto digital photo organizer and layout software to import from cameras, edit photographs, print, e-mail and create collages, scrapbooking pages and slide.
  • Jalbum : A gallery software that makes web albums from your digital images.

Video Converter

There are online video converters . We already Covered it See below list

  • Free FLV Converter : This free software let you search youTube and dailyMotion videos without opening your browser and you can even watch the videos using the built-in video player.
  • Free Video To iPhone Converter: Convert video files to Apple iPhone MP4 video format. Convert the whole movie or select a partition from the movie to convert (trim video).
  • Any Video Converter :An all-in-one video converting freeware with easy-to-use graphical interface, fast converting speed, and excellent video quality.
  • iPod Video Converter : Free iPod Video Converter provides an easy and completed way to convert all popular video formats to iPod video.

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