Bom Sabado Creating problems in Orkut

A new bug named “Bomb Amungu” or “Bom Sabado“ is creating problems with the Orkut accounts.

currently news around the net say that Orkut has been flooded with this bug.

The words Bom Sabado means Good Saturday.

The people who are reading it in their profile , their cookies are being stolen and in this way scraps are being sent from their accounts as well, to their friends and they don’t even know it.

What this bug is doing is it is changing their status automatically and updating them.

If you have got this bug in your account here is the list of solutions you can try-

1. Immediately change your password and security question (including secondary email and mobile number if they also have got changed).

2. Find out whether some communities has been joined automatically. if yes, remove them immediately.

3. If your account has been completely hacked, see here:
4. Always open Orkut from and not from proxy websites.

5. Do not ever run any javascript program when your Orkut account is still open.

6. Never use any flooder in your account.

7.Never ever share your password with anyone and change it regularly.

8.Never ever click suspicious links while logged into Orkut account.

9.Never ever install any suspicious script and always disable them before logging in to Orkut.

10.Do your mobile verification, so that you can get back your account, if hacker hasn’t change your mobile number there.

11.Install latest Updated Antivirus program and Anti Key logger and keep your system free from Key loggers and backdoor Trojans.

12.Use Virtual Keyboard to enter your password for more security.


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