India Gate in New Delhi


India Gate in New Delhi

India Gate is situated on the Raj Path of New Delhi. India Gate was built by Edwin Lutyens to pay homage to the Indian soldiers who died in the World War I and the Afgan War. Closely looking at the walls of India Gate would let you know the names of 90,000 soldiers who died during the World War I, the Afgan War and the North-West Frontier operations. The structure was finally completed in the year 1931. India Gate was originally called the All India War Memorial.

Amar Jawan Jyoti was built much later to commemorate the soldiers who died in the war against Pakistan in the year 1971 and ever since there is a burning "Amar Jawan Jyoti", called as the flame of immortal warriors.

The shrine is made up of a black marble and on the top of the shire there is a rifle with a soldier's cap on the top. This commemorative is placed on the structure having inscription of "Amar Jawan" on all the four sides.

India Gate is a 42 meter tall structure with beautiful gardens and fountains around. There is a round circle of road around India Gate with many diversions to important roads.

The night view of India Gate looks very majestic with children and families enjoying the evening. There is a lawn throughout the stretch of the Rajpath and people love coming here again and again. A summer evening is the best time to enjoy the surroundings of India Gate. During winters, lawns around India Gate and Rajpath are hot favorites for a picnic spot.

Surroundings in and around India Gate is filled with enjoyment, laughter, and voices of children rejoicing in the lawns. The Fruit Chaats (mixture of fruits), Ice-creams, Bhelpuri (spicy snack), potato chips and cold drinks can be had at any point through the long walk along the Janpath and near India Gate.

How to Reach India Gate

  • One can board DTC and private buses from any location within Delhi. Buses to India Gate can be taken from the Inter State Bus Service or the ISBT.
  • By auto or cabs from anywhere in Delhi
  • There are frequent buses from Sarai Kale Khan Bus Terminal
  • One can find buses for India Gate at Connaught Place
  • Metro Rail Service can be used to reach India Gate. The nearest metro station to India Gate is Central Secretariat.
  • Tours and travel operators would take you to India Gate under their tourist package to the city.

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