Yes, it was me in the video: Swami Nityananda
Yes, it was me in the video: Swami Nityananda
Nithyananda Sex Scandal - Swami's first public response
Chennai: After facing political heat and wide protests over his alleged sex tape, TIMES NOW managed to track down Swami Nityananda. The man admits - though reluctantly - that he is in the sleaze video, however, adds that parts of the video were morphed. Speaking to TIMES NOW's Dhanya Rajendran, Swami Nityananda clarifies he is not running away from the law.
Excerpts from the interview
Dhanya: The last two weeks we have seen a lot of controversies. How difficult has it been for you?
Swami Nityananda: In 33 years of my public life, I have seen the peak of the name and fame, have been the most watched guru in youtube and last few days the most watched scandal on the internet. I have seen both. I can say that both highs and lows has taught many things about life to me. I am just learning different dimensions of life. Only thing that has shocked me is that I never thought there will be so much of enmity against me. I never thought that people would see me as an enemy. But one good thing even in this situation I am feeling is that I am getting millions of emails, phone calls and flood of support from different corners of the world. People who are not my devotees are also saying that they feel so bad that someone's personal life is misrepresented and brutally abused.
Dhanya: What created the entire furore was the video. Was it you in the video?
Swami Nityananda: Surely there is a lot misrepresentation, manipulation, conspiracy and morphing. Now only we are studying about, which part is recorded in a conspired way, morphed, misrepresented and manipulated. I do not want to make any big comment, but apart from this I can say many things about the whole situation. My personal life has been completed misrepresented and there has been a definite intrusion of privacy. Some of the magazines are publishing photographs of me changing clothes after taking a bath. What is has to do with me? Some videos are being published to defame my character. I don't know how much is morphed in this and whatever we have got is being sent for further research. We are working on it and before that I want to be very patient before making any comments.
Dhanya: You're saying some of the video could be morphed. But was this actress serving you because they say this video was taken in December, was the lady there in the aashram then?
Swami Nityananda: She was serving me for a long time. She was volunteering, serving and taking care of me whenever I was sick for a long time. The whole family is devotees for a long time. There is no denying that the actress was a devotee, is a devotee and will remain a devotee.
Dhanya: So were you sick in December 2009?
Swami Nityananda: Yes. I was sick for many days. Consciously I was in a very deep samadhi and physically I was not feeling well.
Dhanya : There is an overwhelming feeling that perhaps that you betrayed all your followers because you are someone who talks about abstinence. Have you advocated abstinence in celibacy?
Swami Nityananda: Please understand I always said that it is the individual who should decide. I never promoted the celibacy for everybody. I have always said you should decide. If you are bio-memory is more with consciousness and less with the need of the other person, you lead a celibate life. If your bio-memory is in need of somebody else, live a happy married life. I never promoted one side or the other. I always said individual should choose and live the life they want.
Dhanya: What do you believe for yourself?
Swami Nityananda: I believe that in life I do not have any lust. I do not have any need for the other person.
Dhanya: Going back to the December 2009 incident, you had said that you were in trance that time. What do you have to say?
Swami Nityananda: I can say some of the things can be misinterpreted by an onlooker or a person who want to misinterpret it.
Dhanya: Do you think there is some kind of conspiracy behind shooting of the video:
Swami Nityananda: Surely there must be a conspiracy or else why will someone enter into my personal space and do what they did.
Excerpts from the interview
Dhanya: The last two weeks we have seen a lot of controversies. How difficult has it been for you?
Swami Nityananda: In 33 years of my public life, I have seen the peak of the name and fame, have been the most watched guru in youtube and last few days the most watched scandal on the internet. I have seen both. I can say that both highs and lows has taught many things about life to me. I am just learning different dimensions of life. Only thing that has shocked me is that I never thought there will be so much of enmity against me. I never thought that people would see me as an enemy. But one good thing even in this situation I am feeling is that I am getting millions of emails, phone calls and flood of support from different corners of the world. People who are not my devotees are also saying that they feel so bad that someone's personal life is misrepresented and brutally abused.
Dhanya: What created the entire furore was the video. Was it you in the video?
Swami Nityananda: Surely there is a lot misrepresentation, manipulation, conspiracy and morphing. Now only we are studying about, which part is recorded in a conspired way, morphed, misrepresented and manipulated. I do not want to make any big comment, but apart from this I can say many things about the whole situation. My personal life has been completed misrepresented and there has been a definite intrusion of privacy. Some of the magazines are publishing photographs of me changing clothes after taking a bath. What is has to do with me? Some videos are being published to defame my character. I don't know how much is morphed in this and whatever we have got is being sent for further research. We are working on it and before that I want to be very patient before making any comments.
Dhanya: You're saying some of the video could be morphed. But was this actress serving you because they say this video was taken in December, was the lady there in the aashram then?
Swami Nityananda: She was serving me for a long time. She was volunteering, serving and taking care of me whenever I was sick for a long time. The whole family is devotees for a long time. There is no denying that the actress was a devotee, is a devotee and will remain a devotee.
Dhanya: So were you sick in December 2009?
Swami Nityananda: Yes. I was sick for many days. Consciously I was in a very deep samadhi and physically I was not feeling well.
Dhanya : There is an overwhelming feeling that perhaps that you betrayed all your followers because you are someone who talks about abstinence. Have you advocated abstinence in celibacy?
Swami Nityananda: Please understand I always said that it is the individual who should decide. I never promoted the celibacy for everybody. I have always said you should decide. If you are bio-memory is more with consciousness and less with the need of the other person, you lead a celibate life. If your bio-memory is in need of somebody else, live a happy married life. I never promoted one side or the other. I always said individual should choose and live the life they want.
Dhanya: What do you believe for yourself?
Swami Nityananda: I believe that in life I do not have any lust. I do not have any need for the other person.
Dhanya: Going back to the December 2009 incident, you had said that you were in trance that time. What do you have to say?
Swami Nityananda: I can say some of the things can be misinterpreted by an onlooker or a person who want to misinterpret it.
Dhanya: Do you think there is some kind of conspiracy behind shooting of the video:
Swami Nityananda: Surely there must be a conspiracy or else why will someone enter into my personal space and do what they did.
(Courtsey: Times now)